Joshua Wheeler’s essay collection Acid West is alive, unglamorous, funny, visceral, American, a Martin Parr-esque look at a country that has always been in the business of redefining itself.
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The Grip of It stalks the reader through its pages with a silent, grayscale terror, like the brush of a web against your cheek in the dark.
”Matt Lewis, Electric Literature

Hunt’s dreamlike images operate in service to earthbound ideas . . . [She] gets at the myriad ways women work to keep their self-possession in the face of social and interpersonal expectations.
”John Williams, The New York Times

This is the genius of Things That Helped: it’s bringing light to an aspect of women’s lives that publishing has thus far turned away from, and it’s doing so with such beauty, with such precision and skill, that these struggles can no longer be ignored.
”Katharine Coldiron, Proximity

Ultimately, Camp Austen is not about one man or one fan or one Jane Austen Summer Camp. It is about the delight of loving great books, and it is itself a delight.
”Claire Benoit, The Paris Review (Staff Pick)

Welcome to the trippy valleys of southern New Mexico. Your guide: a loquacious wordsmith à la David Foster Wallace.
”香港免费伕理服务器国外app on Acid West by Joshua Wheeler

It’s been a long wait for Joshua Wheeler’s first book, but it would have been worth the wait even if we’d had to wait twice as long. Full of fine lines mined by a still-young writer, Acid West is worth its weight in gold.

Self-examining without being self-conscious, compact without feeling cramped, funny but never at a distant remove―I am not an academic, and I have never worn a cravat, but Camp Austen never made me feel like I needed either of those things in order to participate fully. It’s a delight and an invitation.
”Mallory Ortberg, author of Texts from Jane Eyre and The Merry Spinster